I wrote a prototype that uses the CUDA implementation of Opensubdiv and I wanted to share my results and experience. Sorry for the long post, I hope you guys find it as interesting as I found to actual learn all this. to add support for proper creasing on SubD models to enable rendering of SubD models at much higher speed and subdivision levels without the increased memory footprint Thanks again for all your ongoing work on this great piece of open source software. Could we please get some feedback by a developer on what the current status on fixing this issue is? Yet it seems like nothing is happening on that front. However, this task has been open since last August while the actual problems with the current implementation have been known since before the 2.8 release. I appreciate the work you developers are doing and understand you cannot fix every problem at once. Modelling of SubD assets using OpenSubdiv creases is well supported but the algorithm needs higher subdivision levels to work properly which makes the actual rendering of scenes that contain more than a few of such assets virtually impossible due to the increased memory consumption (also creases do not work properly with adaptive subdivision and vertex creasing is not implemented at all).

Of the two points only the second one is implemented - partially. to add support for proper creasing on SubD models.to enable rendering of SubD models at much higher speed and subdivision levels without the increased memory footprint.May we please get a status update by a developer on this task? It is my understanding that the two main reasons for implementing OpenSubdiv in Blender were: